Business isn’t exactly booming. The best way to keep your job.

The unemployment rate is hovering at around 10% and for many companies, business isn’t exactly booming. The best way to keep your job is to show your employer that you are so valuable that they simply can’t live without you.

Here are 3 sure-fire ways to increase your value:

1. Be part of the bottom line.

If you want to be valuable to your company, then you need to help it make money. The company measures its ROI on you, so you should measure the ROI on yourself as well. Focus on the activities that use your time, skills, and resources most effectively to connect back to the bottom line.

2. Remember that time is money.

Your most valuable commodity is your time; spend it wisely. Don’t invest eight hours in putting together a presentation when you can deliver the same results with less prep time. Management will value the content of your message, not a bunch of fluff and pretty artwork.

3. Get smart.

Too many people don’t understand the basic operation of their companies. Familiarize yourself with the organizational chart and reporting structures. Study and understand the financials. You never know where your life may lead. Learn as much as you can along the way, even though what you’re learning may not seem relevant at the time.

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